
The scholarship program started in 2010 with just 15 students. In 2019 we reached a target of more than 200 students. The Peace of Mind Foundation is thankful to all donors for their kindness and generous support.

For Donors

  • How your donation is used:

    Your $175 donation will help a high school student pay for approximately 50% of his or her school/college fees for one year.

    This donation amount falls under Tax Saving Rebate

    You will receive a full profile of your student(s) including family history and transcripts.

  • Scholarship Tiers:

    $175 for High School

    $250 for College

    $1,200 for School/College with Full Expenses

  • Commitment Tiers:

    1+ Student(s) for 1 year

    1+ Student(s) for 2-8 years

For Applicants

  • Minimum Requirements:

    Student in standard 8 with marks greater than 80%

    Student in college year with marks greater than 70%

    Parents' income doesn't exceed Rs. 1,50,000 per year

  • Procedure:

    If you meet the above mentioned requirements, you are eligible to apply for a scholarship.

    Send a written request or schedule an appointment to meet with the team at the Peace of Mind Foundation in Rajkot for approval.

    After your selection for scholarship application, download and fill the application form available on our website and submit the same at the Peace of Mind Foundation, Rajkot office.

    After your scholarship grant approval, you will be invited to a function where you will be granted your scholarship amount with an official cheque.

    All students getting scholarship grants trough the Foundation have to complete 25 hours of community service in the Peace of Mind Foundation head Office, Rajkot.

    Currently, we are located in Gujarat. If you are not in Gujarat but still interested in applying for the scholarship grants, kindly contact us for more information.

Apply For Scholarship

Fill the form here

Scholarship Recepient's

Peace of Mind Scholarship Project

Why Offer Scholarships to Disadvantaged Students?

Hands that serve are better than those that pray. Selfless Service is our way to pay our rental debt to Mother Earth. You, and only You, can repay this debt. India is a country stricken with conditions of extreme poverty and illiteracy. Although the majority of the children in India are very smart, intelligent and talented, as well as having a keen desire to go to school and receive a sound education, they do not have the resources available to achieve their dreams. Huge numbers of students in India are in need of financial support to continue further with their education, which their families are unable to provide. These students have great potential and a desire to specialize in particular fields of study. If these children get the right financial support at the right time, they will be able to become the bright future of India.

The Peace of Mind Foundation Rajkot, Gujarat, has been giving scholarships to such deserving students since 2008. This has been possible with help from thousands of generous donors around the world, including India, USA, UK, Singapore, Malaysia, and elsewhere. With help from more donors, we plan to expand our service to touch many more lives. We humbly request able donors to support these students in ways that they can.